[April 25, 2021] EPC Sunday Announcements

EPC Sunday Announcements (4/25/21)

Welcome Newcomers to EPC!

If you are new to EPC, welcome and God’s peace to you!  We are so glad that you were able to find and join us.  We hope that the worship is both encouraging and convicting to you in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  We would love to connect with you.  To do this, please go to our website, epcministry.org, and click on the “Newcomer” button on the upper right corner of our homepage.  You’ll find some introductory information there along with a form towards the bottom to share some contact information.  If you fill that out, we would love to send you a welcoming email and a small gift to encourage you.  We look forward to getting to know you and walking after God’s joy in the Gospel together.

EPC Men’s Ministry BBQ Fellowship

The Men’s Ministry of EPC  is hosting a BBQ Fellowship on May 16 (Sunday) at 1 PM.  The location will be at “John D Morgan” Park.  This is open to all young adult to adult brothers of EPC.  Please join us for BBQ, fellowship and a time to hang out and get to know each other better.  You can RSVP by sending a confirmation email to “emoffice@epcsj.org” or by going to the FB Event page to let us know you’ll be attending.  We look forward to gathering together!

EPC Congregational Meeting for Budget Approval

EPC will have a “Congregational Meeting” on Sunday, May 2 at 3 PM to present and vote on the budget for 2021.  This meeting is for regular attendees and members of EPC.  We highly encourage all members to attend the meeting in order to live out the commitment to the church under the headship of Christ.  An email with meeting details will be sent out this week to all members.  We look forward to this opportunity to continue to serve and grow as a church.

EPC Beulah Women’s Ministry Seminar

The EPC Beulah Women’s Ministry is hosting a seminar on Sunday, May 2 from 4-5:30 PM.  Guest speaker Tina Engel (LMFT and Director of the Christian Counseling Center) will be leading us in a time of reflection and encouragement in how God brings redemption and healing to us through the perspective of our sisters as daughters, wives, mothers and women created in His image.  We hope that you will join us for this time of blessing and encouragement!  
Zoom: 529 657 9866 (PW: 4435)

Summer Short-Term Mission Opportunities

Please see below for some introductory information about the short-term mission opportunities we have in working with the KM.  If you are interested, please email me (paulshim@epcsj.org) and I will connect you with the appropriate leader in the KM mission department.  
Due to the pandemic, these short-term mission opportunities will be through Zoom.  The KM is offering 6 separate sites but they ask that the EM focus specifically on the opportunities available in Sri Lanka and Tajikistan.
Sri Lanka
  1. Missionary: Pastor Edward Kim
  2. KM Coordinator: Deacon Sungju Cho
  3. Tentative Mission Schedule: July 3, 10 (Saturday) morning time in Sri Lanka.  Which would be Friday evening for us. (Sat 8:30 AM Sri Lanka = Fri 8 PM San Jose)
  4. Training will take place in June, TBD
  5. Primarily for developing relationships and teaching "conversational English". 
  6. Training and orientation will include how to share the Gospel in this setting. 
  7. The majority of the people in this field will be college students and young adults but this does not mean that you need to be in college or a young adult to serve in this field. 

  1. Missionary: Pastor Siwan Park
  2. KM Coordinator: TBD
  3. Tentative Mission Schedule: Four weekends in June starting on June 12 (specific days and times are TBD)
  4. Training schedule will start in May, specifics are TBD
  5. This will be about teaching "coding" and English in a "classroom" setting.
  6. As sharing the Gospel is forbidden in Tajikistan, this is more about establishing good relationships in order to plant the seed and build opportunities for the future.  
  7. Some knowledge of how to "code" may be required.  It is yet unclear if they will teach you how to do this in the training sessions.

General Information
  1. The deadline KM has set is this coming Sunday, April 25.  But as they shared this information a bit late with us, they are willing to give an extra week if you are in need of more time to pray and discern.
  2. They are looking for a minimum of 5 members for each team.  
  3. As mentioned before, if you have any questions or if you'd like to sign up, please reach out to me at "paulshim@epcsj.org" and I will connect you with the appropriate leadership.
  4. Please see the attached short PPT presentation for more information.

We hope that you are able to participate in this opportunity to serve the Kingdom.

Serving at EPC

We have many opportunities to serve at EPC such as participating as a lifegroup leader, being a part of the praise team, college ministry, A/V (Audio/Visual), Mission Team etc.  If you are interested to explore and see how God is calling you to serve, please go to our website and click on the “Serve” tab for more information and to contact us.  
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