[May 2, 2021] EPC Sunday Announcements

EPC Sunday Announcements (May 2, 2021)

  1. To better serve the Life Groups, we will posting the “Sermon Reflection Questions” in the Announcements section of our website so that if you are unable to access the Sunday Bulletin, you can find it there.
  2. The EPC Men’s Ministry BBQ Fellowship is on May 16 from 1 PM at John D Morgan Park.  You can find the event on the EPC FB group to RSVP or send an email to emoffice@epcsj.org to let us know you’re coming for food/headcount.  We look forward to this time of fellowship!
  3. Beulah Women’s Ministry is inviting Tina Engel, an MFT, to give an encouraging seminar to all the sisters of EPC titled, “God’s Redemption and Healing” today (May 2) from 4-5 PM.  We hope that all sisters of EPC are able to participate and are encouraged by this time together!
    Zoom Details: "529 657 9866" (Passcode is 4435).
  4. We have our Congregational Meeting today (May 2) at 3 PM.  We will be presenting the budget for 2021, have a time for questions and clarification and vote to approve the budget as a congregation.  This meeting is for members of EPC only, so if you are a member, I highly encourage you to attend to participate as a member of EPC in living out our responsibilities to the church. We have sent an email already to all EPC members with information about how to plug into the meeting.  If you are a member but have not received an email, please reach out to me ASAP at paulshim@epcsj.org to resolve the issue.
  5. The EPC Beulah Women's Ministry will begin a 7-week study of the book of Numbers ("With Us in the Wilderness" by Lauren Chandler).  The study will be held on Tuesdays at 8:30 PM starting on May 18 to June 29.  The sign-up deadline is Tuesday, May 11.  Once you sign up, a book will be ordered for you.  The link to sign up and other information will be coming soon!  
  6. We continue to partner with the KM in offering short-term mission opportunities.  Please take a look at the graphic below for potential sites and who to contact for more information and to plug into a site.  We hope that you are able to serve and share the Gospel!
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