[May 23, 2021] EPC Sunday Announcements

EPC Sunday Announcements (5/23/21)

Welcome Newcomers to EPC!

If you are new to EPC, welcome and God’s peace to you!  We are so glad that you were able to find and join us.  We hope that the worship is both encouraging and convicting to you in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  We would love to connect with you.  To do this, please go to our website, epcministry.org, and click on the “Newcomer” button on the upper right corner of our homepage.  You’ll find some introductory information there along with a form towards the bottom to share some contact information.  If you fill that out, we would love to send you a welcoming email and to encourage you.  We look forward to getting to know you and walking after God’s joy in the Gospel together.

EPC Return to In-Person Sunday Worship

The EPC Leadership has set a date for a return to a limited in-person Sunday Worship. The date is July 11. The Sunday Worship will be a hybrid of live-streaming and in person for those who are not yet ready to return in person worship.  We will have a reference page and FAQ on our website outlining how we are preparing, what precautions we will have, how to sign up to reserve an in person worship spot, education department updates etc. We are so eager and excited to gather together soon!

EPC Beulah Women’s Ministry Fellowship - Beulah Eats

EPC Beulah Women’s Ministry is having a “Beulah Eats” virtual gathering on Sunday, June 6 from 4-6 PM. They have a professional baker/mochi maker coming to show us how to make “healthy cookies”.  You can sign up to have the ingredients delivered to you and find more information (i.e. cost, how to pay etc) and how to sign up at the link HERE.  The hard deadline for sign-ups is Sunday May 30 so please be sure to go and sign up ASAP.

EPC Sunday Sermon Reflection Questions

We will be posting the "Sermon Reflection Questions" in the bulletin as well as on the website under "Announcements" to better give access to the various life groups that meet.

EPC Pastoral Care and Prayer Support

If you are in need of pastoral care or would like to request prayer support from the pastors of EPC, please don’t hesitate to go to our website (epcministry.org) and click on “Pastoral Care and Prayer Requests” under the “Connect” button.  You can keep it confidential if you wish to do so but we would love to serve you by walking with you in fellowship and prayer!

Serving at EPC

We have many opportunities to serve at EPC such as participating as a life group leader, being a part of the praise team, college ministry, A/V (Audio/Visual), Mission Team etc.  If you are interested to explore and see how God is calling you to serve, please go to our website and click on the “Serve” tab for more information and to contact us.
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