[June 27, 2021] EPC Sunday Sermon Reflection Questions

[June 27, 2021] EPC Sunday Sermon Reflection Questions

  1. What are some ways that you struggle to be vigilant and diligent in looking for opportunities to help and serve others? Why do you think this is?
  2. God calls us to join in what He is already doing by His love and mercy. How does it change our perspective when it comes to serving, loving etc others when we realize that it is not dependent on our own power but in God's strength and actions?
  3. Do you struggle in reaching out and asking for help, prayer, etc. yourself? What does this reveal about your heart, how you see others in trust, etc.?
  4. What are some areas or people in your life that you can hear the trumpet's sound to help? What are some practical ways that you can fight for one another?
  5. What stood out to you or challenged you? Did any questions come up?
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