[July 18, 2021] EPC Sunday Sermon Reflection Questions

[July 18, 2021] EPC Sunday Sermon Reflection Questions

  1. Do you relate to the struggle of judging others as the Pharisees did? Why do you think it's so easy for us to live in our own vanity and pride rather than seeing the example of Christ's grace and walking in obedience to Him and loving others?
  2. Jesus (as the Shepherd and woman) is the primary actor in both parables who seeks the lost and shines the light of the Gospel. How does this give you a renewed trust and hope in God's saving and sanctifying work in our lives?
  3. Both parables have a theme that links "being found" with "repentance". Why do you think repentance is such a critical aspect of being found in Christ?
  4. Can you confidently say that Jesus is the joy and hope of your life? Is it evident in how you live and love others?
  5. What stood out to you or challenged you? Did any questions come up?
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