[June 2, 2024] EPC Sunday Announcements

Welcome Newcomers to EPC!
If you are new to EPC, welcome and God’s peace to you!  We are so glad that you were able to find and join us.  We hope that the worship is both encouraging and convicting to you in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  We would love to connect with you.  Please join us in the Lobby after service at the "Welcome Team" booth where we'd like to exchange some information.  We look forward to getting to know you and walking after God’s joy in the Gospel together.

College & YA Summer Picnic
Summer picnic is today (June 2) 12:30p at Murphy Park in Sunnyvale.

Monthly prayer meeting
Monthly prayer meeting this Saturday (June 8) at 8:00am

Classes for Father of 5/6th graders
During the summer there will be weekly classes for Fathers of 5,6 graders on Saturdays 9:30am-12pm. It is a great opportunity for community, fellowship and brotherhood as we learn to lead our children in the Lord.

College and YA Friday Nights
College and YA ministry meets 1st and 3rd Fridays of every month. Next meeting is June 7th at 6:30pm.

Grace Village CityTeam
Work is underway to renovate the apartment we are sponsoring as a church at Grace Village in partnership with CityTeam. This is completely volunteer based, so we need all the help we can get. This is a great opportunity for us to come together as a church and serve our local community. We can encourage our LGs to volunteer together!

Extra information:
Project leads: Deacon Philip Kim , John Roh, Jonathan Jung
Sponsor: Outreach Ministry (Esther Kimm)
To volunteer: https://cityteam.volunteerhub.com/vv2/lp/emmanuealpres
   Create account under link and sign electronic liability waiver.
   Sign up on CityTeam calendar for dates you wish to volunteer
Saturdays 9am-12pm, 1pm-4pm
Contact: John Roh, Jonathan Jung or Deacon Philip [to be added to KakaoTalk group chat]
Carpool - only 2 parking spots per church
Bring K95 masks, safety glasses and gloves [some available onsite]. 
Equipment available onsite, however, bring your own, if able.

Youth Group & Education Dept volunteer
Youth Group & Education Dept volunteer recruitment will be taking place today and the next couple of Sundays. Please prayerfully consider if this is a way God is calling you to serve His children here at EPC. If you have questions, there will be a representative by the entrance to the Sanctuary available to answer.

VBS will be taking place from June 12 - June 15 (1pm-4pm and 6pm-9pm). This year’s theme is “Scuba: Diving into Friendship w/ God.” Please register your children as soon as possible ($30/kid). Many ways to serve so please sign up to volunteer. There will be training in June for volunteers. And if you cannot attend, you can still help with decoration making which will be happening every Sunday at 12pm at the outdoor area near the CM room.

Members Meeting
Members Meeting today at 12pm. Our agenda being the vote on the Lead Pastor Candidate.

KM Missions opportunities
There are a few opportunities for missions in the upcoming months led by the KM. Some of the destinations & dates should be up on the screen.

College and YA Retreat
The College and YA ministries will hold a joint summer retreat from June 21-23 at Redwood Christian Park in Boulder Creek. The theme is "Walking on the Narrow Path.” Our speaker will be Pastor Mike Kim. Sign ups are open, so please register by May 26. Please contact Pastor Amandy if you're interested.

All EM Annual Retreat
Our All EM Annual Retreat will be taking place from Fri, Aug. 23 to Sun, Aug 25  at Mount Hermon, Ponderosa Lodge and our guest speaker is Pastor David Son. Sign up forms will be in the lobby and will be sent out via email. Please mark your calendars and sign up early in order to take advantage of the early bird pricing. Sign up starts March 31. Early bird ends May 5th (Today).

Men's Ministry Book Study
Men’s Ministry will begin a weekly book study (Disciplines of Godly Man) on Saturdays at 8:30AM starting March 23 (Sat) until May 11 (Sat). The study will be in a hybrid format with those who are able to meet at church and a virtual option for those who cannot. For more information, please reach out to Deacon James or Brother Enoch.

Men's Ministry Basketball Fellowship
The Men's Ministry is resuming a weekly "Basketball Fellowship" on Saturdays from 9-11 PM at the "Sunnyvale Community Center".  If you would like to play or get more information, please talk to Deacon Charles Kim ASAP.  You will need to RSVP each week in order to ensure that we can have enough players.

EPC EM Intercessory Prayer Team (IPT)
The "Intercessory Prayer Team" meets on Sundays from 9:15-9:50 AM in the "Conference Room" at the back of the Sanctuary.  We invite you to come and pray with the IPT for the service, the church & missionaries, and for the world.  If you are unsure of how to pray or haven't done this spiritual discipline in the past, come learn how to pray with others in intercession in this great opportunity to bring ourselves before God.

EPC Partner Missionary Updates
We will be posting updates that we receive from our Missionary Partners on our website under the "Outreach" tab.  Please check in monthly to learn about what God is doing in these countries and pray for His strength and joy to sustain them.  Due to the sensitive nature of the countries they are serving in, we will not be able to include photos, names and specific locations.  We thank you for your understanding and commitment to support our partners in the Gospel.  

EPC Giving and PayPal
If you give to EPC through PayPal on our website, please consider giving through "Check" (be sure to write your name in the Memo area for tax records)  in our "Offering Box" in the back of the Sanctuary near the Lobby.  This will help us avoid paying fees from the budget.  Of course, if PayPal is the best option for you, we will continue to support that option.

Offering & Tithe Reminder
If you are mailing in checks as your offering and tithe to God's church, please be sure to write in the "Memo" section of the check, "EPC EM", so that we can be sure to receive your support and to correctly update your personal tax information.  
If you are giving online, please remember to write your name in the "Comment" section on PayPal.  Thank you for obeying and supporting the body of Christ with your resources.

EPC In-Person & Livestream Sunday Worship
If you are joining us via "live-stream" and experience any issues, please email us at "emoffice@epcsj.org" to let us know as we grow in this new process. The "live-stream" link on our website will be updated every Sunday morning.

If you are with us in-person today and would like to give or tithe here at church, there is an offering box near between the Sanctuary and the EM Lobby where you can drop off your offering envelopes.  Otherwise, you can continue to give God your offerings online on our website under “Give”.

The EPC App is live on our website for both iOS and Android.  Please go and download it for easy access to notifications for church events and announcements, sermons and content, ways to give, and more.  For those joining us “in-person” for Sunday Worship, you can now also register your attendance in the EPC EM App!  A big thank you to our “Media Team” who worked so hard to make this happen!

EPC Sunday Sermon Reflection Questions
We will be posting the "Sermon Reflection Questions" on the website under "Announcements" to better give access to the various life groups that meet.

EPC Pastoral Care and Prayer Support
If you are in need of pastoral care or would like to request prayer support from the pastors of EPC, please don’t hesitate to go to our website (epcministry.org) and click on “Pastoral Care and Prayer Requests'' under the “Connect” button.  You can keep it confidential if you wish to do so but we would love to serve you by walking with you in fellowship and prayer.

Please continue to pray for all upcoming transitions, including leadership changes, the new pastor search, our faithful community, and Pastor Paul and his family.
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