[January 2, 2022] EPC Sunday Announcements

EPC Sunday Announcements (1/2/22)

Welcome Newcomers to EPC!
If you are new to EPC, welcome and God’s peace to you!  We are so glad that you were able to find and join us.  We hope that the worship is both encouraging and convicting to you in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  We would love to connect with you.  To do this, please go to our website, epcministry.org, and click on the “Newcomer” button on the upper right corner of our homepage.  You’ll find some introductory information there along with a form towards the bottom to share some contact information.  If you fill that out, we would love to send you a welcoming email and to encourage you.  We look forward to getting to know you and walking after God’s joy in the Gospel together.

EPC Congregational Meeting
We will have a Congregational Meeting on January 23, 2022 (Sunday); 11:20 AM to 12 PM.  This is for members of EPC to attend to participate in the life of the church.  If you are not a member, you are welcome to attend but will not be able to vote in any church decisions and proposals.  Things to be discussed and presented include:
  1. EPC 2022 Budget: Presentation, Q&A and Vote to approve (the budget will be shared with members on January 16, 2022 to take time to read and prepare questions for it).
  2. Upcoming changes, events and projects for EPC in 2022.

EPC Sunday Bulletin
We will no longer be creating a "Sunday Bulletin" starting in 2022.  You can find Announcements and updates on our website ("epcministry.org") or through our "EPC App" (search for "EPC EM" in your App store for both iOS or Android).  

EPC Sunday Snack Update
Due to the increasing risk of COVID/Omicron, we will not be serving refreshments after Sunday service for the near future.  We would like to best love and protect our community during this time through these practices and we thank you for your understanding and patience.  

EPC In-Person & Livestream Sunday Worship
For future reference, you can find our “in-person worship guidelines” and the “Sunday Worship YouTube Livestream” link on the homepage of our website at epcministry.org.

If you are joining us via "live-stream" and experience any issues, please email us at "emoffice@epcsj.org" to let us know as we grow in this new process. The "live-stream" link on our website will be updated every Sunday morning.

If you are with us in-person today and would like to give or tithe here at church, there is an offering box near between the Sanctuary and the EM Lobby where you can drop off your offering envelopes.  Otherwise, you can continue to give God your offerings online on our website under “Give”.

The EPC App is live on our website for both iOS and Android.  Please go and download it for easy access to notifications for church events and announcements, sermons and content, ways to give, and more.  For those joining us “in-person” for Sunday Worship, you can now also register your attendance in the EPC EM App!  A big thank you to our “Media Team” who worked so hard to make this happen!

EPC Virtual Discipleship in “Habits of Grace”
We kicked off our church-wide virtual discipleship course in “Habits of Grace” (David Mathis) on September 29, 2021.  You can find an overview and schedule of what the course looks like on our website (“epcministry.org”) and in our EPC EM app (“EPC English Ministry”) with information about what to read for each session, where you can find the session video and reflection questions, and how to download the book for free in various formats (i.e. PDF, MOBI, and EPUB).  The videos and reflection questions are being posted on Wednesday afternoons which you can find on our website and app (go to “Media” and click on “EPC Discipleship”) as well as on our YouTube page.

This is a great opportunity during our season of rest and refreshment to commit ourselves to God’s Word and to reflect on how we are submitting to the Gospel in the daily rhythms of our lives.  We highly encourage all members of EPC to join us in this time of discipleship!  

EPC Sunday Sermon Reflection Questions
We will be posting the "Sermon Reflection Questions" on the website under "Announcements" to better give access to the various life groups that meet.

EPC Pastoral Care and Prayer Support
If you are in need of pastoral care or would like to request prayer support from the pastors of EPC, please don’t hesitate to go to our website (epcministry.org) and click on “Pastoral Care and Prayer Requests'' under the “Connect” button.  You can keep it confidential if you wish to do so but we would love to serve you by walking with you in fellowship and prayer.
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