[March 27, 2022] EPC Sunday Sermon Reflection Questions

Series: James - Faith in Action
"Restoration In Prayer"
James 5:13-20

  1. James reminds us that prayer is our constant fellowship with God in all things.  Whether we are suffering or experiencing God's blessing, we have the freedom to walk with God in intimate fellowship as He provides all things we need through Him.  How do you walk in all parts of life in prayer as an act of intimate fellowship with God?
  2. What do you think about when you consider James' call to "pray" in and through all things (i.e. Does it always have to be sitting with our eyes closed and hands folded)?
  3. The Apostle James is clear in the Gospel that we are to regularly pray for and with one another. Whom can we commit to pray with and for as a regular part of our fellowship and day-to-day lives?
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