[December 4, 2022] Sunday Sermon Reflection Questions

Series: Advent - The Characters of Christmas
"Aligned In God's Leading"
Matthew 1:18-25

  1. Can you share a time where you thought that your plan and perspective was the "right" way to go only to find that it didn't line up with God's wisdom, love and will?  What happened and how did you eventually find out?
  2. Joseph is described as a "just man" who was unwilling to publicly hurt or shame Mary for her perceived unfaithfulness in being found pregnant before they were married.  His plan was to quietly divorce her and move on without marrying her.  But God had other plans to reveal His redemption even through these less than ideal circumstances and calls Joseph to align his purpose and plans with God's.  In your life plans, judgments and perspective, how likely are you to wonder and submit to God's wisdom and grace?  
  3. In order to live a life that is constantly corrected and aligned with Godly purpose, what spiritual disciplines and faithful habits are necessary?  Why do you think we struggle with this?
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