[December 25, 2022] Sunday Sermon Reflection Questions

"Christ Our Only Hope"
Romans 5:1-11

  1. Jesus coming as our Lord means that everyone and everything else is not.  What comfort or courage does this remind you of and how does it guide our purpose and lives?
  2. The grace of God is proven in that He chooses to love us and redeem us out of our sin and brokenness rather than waiting for us to be "worthy" of Him.  How does Paul's reminder of God's non-sensical grace strengthen you to respond to the Good News?
  3. A life of joy is defined as persevering through all things in faith as He matures and redeems us in His image and truth.  As we look forward to a new year and life in Christ, what are some ways that you can trust and walk in joy in things you might have been struggling in?
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